The Color of Life!

Everywhere we look, where there is life, there is color and movement. There is a freshness, a vibrancy, a cleanness.

Yes, life has a color. It could be any color, but you will notice it.

The clouded dark stormy gray days in spring show off the yellow daffodils and green grass in an unforgettable way!

After spring flooding where silt has covered the flood plains, it’s not long until a single green shoot of grass pokes through…and then another.

Birds begin early laying every color of egg attempting to hatch as many fledglings as possible before the cold of fall strikes again.

Flowers bloom non stop, their sole purpose besides their beauty is to go to seed to produce more plants that will make more flowers.

An ugly weed has a purpose to life. Some have a deep tap root, designed to penetrate hard barren soils so water can trickle down and begin to break up the dirt that other plants will grow. Amazing!

Livestock and wildlife eat grasses and scatter their seeds wherever they wander while fertilizing the soil they tread on. It’s a miracle how everything created has a useful purpose necessary to another created thing.

Have you been to a shell museum to look at all the different shapes, styles, colors of gorgeous ocean life…each unique in itself and found in its own portion of the sea.

Every where we look we see life in all its colors! Abundant life! All part of God’s show and tell. His proof that He really does exist. He really does care. He really will provide. He holds it all together, and He made it for us – us people – to enjoy. Wow!!!

What are some of life’s colors you like best?