The Wind

How many of us are afraid of the wind?

The wind blows hard, and people become afraid. Yes, the wind is powerful, but it has purpose. Once we understand its purpose, we can become more comfortable.

Every season the wind blows and blows hard! I would lay in bed and just listen. Or sit in the chair watching out the window wondering…finally, I realized the wind is not something scary, but its purpose is to blow in the new season and blow out the old! In spring, it blows out the cold winter and blows in fresh breezes of a new season. It blows hard at times to help prune the trees, cleaning out the weak and old and readying for new growth. In summer the winds blow out cooler spring bringing in warmer weather for new flowers and leaves and to help pollinate. The fall winds come blowing out summer, blowing hard to bring down all the leaves, ripen remaining late season crops and ready the plants for winter’s cold. The winter winds come blowing fall away and bringing snow and rest for the land and farmers, while we plan our gardens for next spring 🙂 !

Wind is necessary to sail boats. It helps planes fly. Many fear flying in turbulence not realizing the plane is designed to fly in turbulence. It can handle it! So passengers can rest assured of their destination and enjoy the ride.

The wind blows in storm clouds, rain, thunder and lightning which fertilizes a massive amount of land with one strike! That’s why the grass and trees are so green after a good thunderstorm. Wind blows scents and smells to help wildlife survive.

Next time the wind blows, remember some of these purposes and be more at ease. It is all part of the plan of nature.