The Wind

How many of us are afraid of the wind?

The wind blows hard, and people become afraid. Yes, the wind is powerful, but it has purpose. Once we understand its purpose, we can become more comfortable.

Every season the wind blows and blows hard! I would lay in bed and just listen. Or sit in the chair watching out the window wondering…finally, I realized the wind is not something scary, but its purpose is to blow in the new season and blow out the old! In spring, it blows out the cold winter and blows in fresh breezes of a new season. It blows hard at times to help prune the trees, cleaning out the weak and old and readying for new growth. In summer the winds blow out cooler spring bringing in warmer weather for new flowers and leaves and to help pollinate. The fall winds come blowing out summer, blowing hard to bring down all the leaves, ripen remaining late season crops and ready the plants for winter’s cold. The winter winds come blowing fall away and bringing snow and rest for the land and farmers, while we plan our gardens for next spring 🙂 !

Wind is necessary to sail boats. It helps planes fly. Many fear flying in turbulence not realizing the plane is designed to fly in turbulence. It can handle it! So passengers can rest assured of their destination and enjoy the ride.

The wind blows in storm clouds, rain, thunder and lightning which fertilizes a massive amount of land with one strike! That’s why the grass and trees are so green after a good thunderstorm. Wind blows scents and smells to help wildlife survive.

Next time the wind blows, remember some of these purposes and be more at ease. It is all part of the plan of nature.


In the beginning, God made light and it’s a good thing, because without light we cannot see anything.

God didn’t need the light to see- since He Himself is already Light.

He created the light for our benefit.

Light is to shine into the darkness and open it up so we can see what needs to be done and fix things.

What do we do when there is a power failure? The first thing is we reach for the light switch so we can see to call the power company to alert them of the power failure! That’s how dependent we are on light.

There are all kinds of darknesses in our lives and world today.

If we can shine some light on them…enough to see and understand what is really going on, we might be able to solve the problem.

Darkness could just be a misunderstanding between people. If the light can be shined upon it enough so the real issue can come to the surface and be seen, perhaps the solution could be reached.


The nature of darkness is hiddenness, secrecy and fear. Fear of what if someone finds out?!!! What will it make me look like? How will I manage? Will I be rejected by my people, by my family, by my friends?

What will happen if the darkness is exposed?

Well, then it won’t be dark anymore. It will be light and you can see how to move forward. Everyone will be seeing the same thing so agreement can be reached.

What you can see is no longer hidden so you don’t need to fear it anymore, and once fear has lost its power, the problem can be talked about.

Don’t be afraid…step into the light.

It is shining for you!




Be on the lookout for beauty in your everyday life.

I believe God likes it when we add beauty to our surroundings, our home, our yard, our kitchens, our closet, our wardrobe. Beauty adds something uplifting to our spirits that nothing else can.

If you don’t see beauty where you are, make some! Place a pretty vase in the sunshine to catch the rays and make rainbows, open the windows and refresh the air inside your home. Artistically hang up your children’s drawings to brighten your laundry room walls and see their smiles when they walk in and find their little ‘Rembrandts’ placed where everyone will notice!

For dinner table decor go outside and gather colorful stones, some sticks, moss, acorns, autumn leaves, or whatever you see that looks interesting and make an outdoor arrangement inside– using your old stoneware plate, or tarnished silver platter from grandmother to place everything on, and let the kids help…better yet, let them do it all! It’s good for them to learn the experience of making beauty.

We are creative beings made in the image of God and when we make beautiful things we feel better inside. That’s just the way we’re made! And there’s nothing wrong with that feeling.

Toss the beauty of a kind word, a compliment or a smile to those at home and away and watch how that beauty changes the other person.

People really do want to see beauty. It’s like an oasis in the everyday mundane. Beauty gives hope of better things and better times to come. It reminds us of the God that made us and His watchful care.

Go out today and create some beauty. It doesn’t have to cost a thing and the effects are lasting!