
A fixed mindset has no hope.  It has lost its hope.

“There can be no change; Things will always be this way; There’s nothing I can do about it; It’s too late; Things are too bad; It’s gone on too long to see anything different; They’ll never change…”

It has no hope of a different future, a different tomorrow, a different you!

Hope is the propeller on the airplane of life that pulls us forward. We can guide it wherever we want to go when the engine is running.

Hope is freedom; an optimistic view of a new and brighter future; of change; a better tomorrow; a different way of doing things; freedom from the ruts in life… in your life!

Hope is one thing God has given mankind that no matter how bad things become, no matter what has been done, God can fix it. He can cause new growth. He is in the restoration business. There is aways hope. If you only have an ounce of strength or courage, He will give you more. If you feel there’s only a tiny bit of life left in you, He will fan it into flame.

Ask Him to blow on you.

Mental Freedom

The tyranny of the mind.

God wants to set us free from debilitating thoughts. That’s why he says cast your cares upon him. He does not want us bound in any area of our life- physical, emotional or mental.

He says he has given us a sound mind so we can make good choices and follow them instead of being led astray. We have to watch what we feed our mind because what we feed it will determine its strength and ultimately direct our body in that direction.

There are many mental poisons trying to feed us…through things we look at, read and listen to which may seem harmless and small at first…how could they hurt me? But the buildup over time is cumulative, and the end result will be detrimental to ourselves and others.

The mind is the body’s computer directing our every move. If we allow mental viruses to infiltrate – our hard drive can become slow, send wrong messages, get information mixed up, maybe even shut down.

Let’s stay free!

Made to Be Free

We were made to be free!

Made to be a free people to think what we like, to make what we like, to build what we like to benefit us, our families and our communities and make them strong.

People who are not free or don’t know they can be free are jealous of those who are free and try to hold them back to prevent their freedoms. They don’t want them to be free.

Misery loves company. When we’re not free, we don’t want to be alone in our misery. We want to have others with us.

Why not decide to be free and invite others into that space?… The space where you can think good, make good, do good and be strong together.

This can become quite a unified force to make wrong things right.