
A fixed mindset has no hope.  It has lost its hope.

“There can be no change; Things will always be this way; There’s nothing I can do about it; It’s too late; Things are too bad; It’s gone on too long to see anything different; They’ll never change…”

It has no hope of a different future, a different tomorrow, a different you!

Hope is the propeller on the airplane of life that pulls us forward. We can guide it wherever we want to go when the engine is running.

Hope is freedom; an optimistic view of a new and brighter future; of change; a better tomorrow; a different way of doing things; freedom from the ruts in life… in your life!

Hope is one thing God has given mankind that no matter how bad things become, no matter what has been done, God can fix it. He can cause new growth. He is in the restoration business. There is aways hope. If you only have an ounce of strength or courage, He will give you more. If you feel there’s only a tiny bit of life left in you, He will fan it into flame.

Ask Him to blow on you.

Loving People

How do you love people? You don’t even know them.

It begins in your heart. You see them as an individual like you, who has weaknesses and frailties, doubts and insecurities, but also has strengths and courage and opportunities.

It is our responsibility to one-on -one spark the strengths and invigorate the courage in others.

How do you do that?

Most of the time you won’t have more than a second or two passing someone on the street, standing in line at the coffee shop, but a smile, a positive word, a positive look on your face towards them… That effort on your part will not go unnoticed on theirs. Even though they show no response, it can seep down into their soul and possibly be just the strength they need going through a difficult situation.

You can make the difference in someone else’s life.

One Size Fits All?

I’m not standardized! You aren’t either!

I don’t fit in! You’re not supposed to!

We are all humankind, male or female, yet we are unlike in so many other ways. What works for you might not work for me. I like country living; you love city life. I learn best by observation. You like the classroom. I like to get up early. You are a late morning person. I like talking with people; you’re more reserved. I am interested in color and words; you like numbers and engineering.

We need all of you. Every one of you and your likes and dislikes. We have a world full of people. You can help them. We all balance each other out.

Again, this boils down to discovering and accepting our likes and dislikes, our strengths and weaknesses. We can use this knowledge to help build others, to build ideas and see things someone else wouldn’t.

Don’t feel disqualified or tempted to find fault with someone unlike you. We need the unique contributions each brings to the table.

If there were no different colors, if all the trees were alike, all the flowers were the same, all the birds sang the same song, the food all tasted the same… 😦

Embrace who you are. Don’t feel you need to change to make someone else happy. Work on yourself. Be your best each day. It’s a growth process, but you will be rewarded. You will notice the change. Your gifts and talents will become stronger. You will become more comfortable with who you were made to be!