Life’s Words

I want my life’s words…

… to encourage people to what they can become

…to be a source of empowerment for them to see change

…to offer hope in their life for better

…to help them see their God-given worth

I don’t want my life’s words taking on a condemnatory role offering shame, pain or guilt for all the should’ve, could’ve or didn’t dos.

I will watch my words carefully so my life only speaks life to others.

Why the Lighthouse?

I mentioned the lighthouse in a previous post.

What is it about a lighthouse that is so endearing?

Besides their unique structural stability and charm, they represent something else.

Valiant men have risked their lives and died building lighthouses to save lives…that ships at sea might not crash, be broken and sink because they couldn’t see the danger there.

Said James Ward Hyland III, President and Founder of the Lighthouse Preservation Society of Newbury Port, Massachussetts:

Lighthouses appeal to the interest and better instinct of man because they are symbolic of never-ceasing watchfulness, of steadfast endurance in every exposure, of widespread helpfulness. The building and the keeping of the lights is a picturesque and humanitarian work of the nation.”

Somehow, just knowing that someone cares for you, is watching out for you, makes life easier to live. We all need those somebodies. We all need to be those somebodies.

These characteristics in people are what make a nation great and bring out the best in each other.

Loving, Kindness, Courage, Care….Let these be found in me.

Please join with me.


This thought came to me on March 18, 2020….my father’s birthday.

He would have been 117, born in 1913. His father was born in 1863 during the Civil War. (Crazy to think my grandfather was born then. My parents married late and had us kids late. 95% of my relation marry late!)

We come from a long line of ‘thinkers’…always trying to simplify and solve things.

My daughter recently gave me a notepad with the phrase,

“What can I overthink today?”

So anyway the (my) thought was quite simple:

“Your best work is only a thought away. Think well today!”,

So with this thought in mind…what can we think about to improve…

…a relationship, a job, a task, a schedule, a project, a technique, a design?

What could we begin…

…a new adventure, a new hobby, a new product, a new connection, a new job, a new vocation, a new recipe, a new book?

Take your pick! It is only a thought away….your best work !!!

(keep thinking, keep improving, your work will only get better!)