The Safety of a Negative Mind

It’s not my fault! I knew it would happen! It was inevitable, out of my control!

The false safety of a negative mind.

It just coasts along, no responsibility, what will be will be… I’m just here for the ride and I’ll complain about stuff since it’s all out of my hands.

No worries…a Kuna ma tata. (or however it’s spelled)

(But I’m miserable this way).

That’s the real truth of it all. People want the freedom to direct their own lives, make their own decisions, but it takes effort on their part to think, plan, decide, compare this vs that… And so it becomes easier to let others do all the thinking for them and then complain about the results and be miserable.

This is the reason America came into being. People were tired of being told how and what to think, and all the things they couldn’t do. So they set sail in hopes of a better, howbeit much harder tomorrow, and obtained it.

This is the cost of freedom – brought about by a ‘we-can-do-it’ mind. It will always go against the current, clearing the path for others.

Let’s shake off the miserable false sense of security. Let’s take on our responsibility to go, be and do what we really want.

What can I plan on today?