Who Do I Want to Be?

Who are we becoming? Who am I becoming?

Chuck Swindoll said,”If everyone in the church were just like me, what kind of church would my church be?”

I’ve pondered this alot personally.

How do others see me? Am I the kind of person I what to be? Why?

We tend to always see this, and ourselves in a negative way.

Let’s look at it from a positive way.

What if I used my abilities in a greater way today? What if I let my ideas grow and make alot more money with them? How could making more money help me and then help others?

John Wesley said to earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can for as long as you can.

What if every day, I began thinking, ‘how can I use what I have to help more people’?

I want to do better than I am now. I want to become a better person than I am now. Is there a way to become better, by investing in myself for the benefit of others?

That isn’t selfishness, that is advancing who God made you to be. Think with me…where do I want to begin improving me…now?