A Good Day!

Every morning at work, I make the statement, “Today is going to be a good day!”

Yes, everyone at work is going through daily family trials…nursing home and aging parents dilemmas, kid’s jobs, bad weather, not to mention COVID and the election.

But the sun is still out, and this fall has been one of our most beautiful ever!!! We have family and friends who love and care for us. food to eat, a place to live, fresh air to breathe, and water to drink, clothes to wear, a bed to sleep on and covers to keep us warm. We are provided for!

We have opportunities galore to make a new and better life for ourselves and others.

In the overall scope of things, this will be a really good day. We will be just a bit smarter today than yesterday, we will have grown and made progress in at least one area more than yesterday, and we will have seen things in a new light that we didn’t notice before.

So I will make my announcement again, “Today is going to be a good day!”

Say it with me!

Doesn’t it make you feel better already?